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Educational Materials


Worksheets on Environmental Protection and Sustainability for School Classes

The following four worksheets serve as an introduction to the topics of environmental protection and sustainability for grades 3 to 6. They include simple introductory texts, definitions, and tasks for learning about biodiversity, ecosystems, resources, and environmental pollution. These worksheets can help you prepare for or follow up on your visit to the environmental exhibition,  Natürlich heute! Mitmachen für morgen, or they can be used independently in the classroom. Simply download, print, and bring them to your students!

Worksheet (Available Only in German)
PDF Artenvielfalt (Biodiversity)
PDF Ökosystem (Ecosystem)
PDF Ressourcen (Resources)
PDF Umweltverschmutzung (Environmental Pollution)

Additional Educational Packages for Download

These educational packages allow you to prepare for or follow up on your visit to the exhibition. They include informational texts from the exhibition, experiment ideas, classroom activities, tips for at-home learning, and additional materials for educators.

Package (Available Only in German)Content
PDF Wie Sand am Meer (Like Sand by the Sea)Resource sand, recycling
PDF Prima Klima aus dem Supermarkt (Great Climate from the Supermarket)CO2, climate change, consumer behavior
PDF Regenwald, Klopapier und Schokocreme (Rainforest, Toilet Paper, and Chocolate Spread)Forest/rainforest ecosystems, wood, palm oil
PDF Blau machen - Von Atempause bis Plankton (Feeling Blue – From Breath Breaks to Plankton)Marine ecosystems, oxygen, whales
PDF Artenvielfalt und Bienenfleiß (Biodiversity and Bee Diligence)Biodiversity, honeybees and wild bees, urban nature

Naturally Today! For Teachers – Curriculum Framework Grades 1–10

The Exhibition Offers:

  • Diverse connections to subjects like science (grades 1–4), natural sciences (grades 5/6), social studies (grades 5/6), German, or art (topics listed below).
  • Opportunities to creatively explore interdisciplinary themes, such as:
    • Sustainable development / Learning in global contexts
    • Consumer education, mobility, and traffic education
  • Practical implementation of teaching objectives for students, such as:
    • "How life on this planet can remain livable for everyone."
    • "Becoming independent and responsible consumers."
    • "Understanding the impact of traffic and personal actions on health, the environment, and the climate."

Examples of Curriculum Topics Addressed in the Exhibition

Grades 1–4

  • Science
    • Earth, animals, water, market

Grades 5/6

  • Natural Sciences:
    • Sun - Weather - Seasons
    • Plants - Animals - Habitats
    • Everyday materials
    • Movement on water, land, and air
  • Social Studies:
    • Nutrition, water, fashion and consumption, democracy and participation



Naturally Today! For Educators – Berlin Education Program

The exhibition offers:

  • Connections to the "Nature – Environment – Technology" section of the Berlin Education Program
  • Ideas for exploring nature and its phenomena with children
  • Opportunities to investigate sustainability through topics like food, water, and soil


List of Books in Our Exhibition

 PDF  buecherliste_natuerlich_heute.pdf